But today we kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love.
Kahlil Gibran

Here are articles I have written or been quoted in:

The missing Malaysian Airline Flight 370 has still not been found and all of the passengers are rightfully assumed dead. Stehpanis Pappas from LiveScience contacted me on March 25, 2014 and asked my opinion about the rumor that the loved ones of the missing passengers and crew had been contacted by text message to informa them of their losses. Here is my resulting interview as it appeared on Yahoo News: Malaysia Airlines Text: How Not to Break Bad News.

After the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown CT, I was interviewed by Tia Ghose for the LiveScience News website about what we could all expect from the children who witnessed the event. The article—How kids and adults face grief after school shootings—was also picked up by FoxNews.com and Yahoo! News on January 4, 2013.

Biker Living is an Austin-based publication that "... present a motorcyclist's view of the rider's biker lifestyle - for, by, and about the riders of a local area... our purpose is to assist in promoting upbeat, healthy, safe, and personable riding communities."  In an article on bereavement in the October/November 2012 issue, I was quoted from an article that I write for the ALS Association newletter A Reason for Hope:
Mourning is not a solitary activity; it requires social interaction and integration. Providing compassionate, caring support to mourners suffering from the death of a loved one is one of thr most important acts of kindness we can give each other. The presence or absence of that support is a major determinant of how well the grieving preson works through loss and puts his/her world back together.

According to its website, StepMom Magazine is an online resource for women whose partners have children from a previous relationship.  In the November, 2010 issue is a movie review of You Again by Carrie Collins Fadell.  The article ends on page 33 with the following paragraph:
Art imitates life, life imitates art and there is a lot to learn from all of the types of families all around us. For me, “You Again,” drove home the fact that if we don’t deal with our hurt, it can change who we are for decades to come. In 2008, J. Worth Kilcrease, a Licensed Professional Counselor based in Austin, Texas, wrote an article for “Psychology Today,” in which he noted that the old adage of “time heals all wounds” is misleading. It is more what we actively chose to do with that time that has the potential to heal us.

In the April 2010 issue of Men's Health, Jacob Levenson wrote an article—Farewell to Father—about grieving the death of his father.  In a sidebar, I was interviewed about what to say and not to say to someone in grief.

Austin American-Statesman ran an article on August 22, 2006 entitled  Celebrating life by getting in touch with death. The article describes a class, called Dead for a Day, where participants could experience a transitional state between living and dying. The article included comments I had about the class.